UK Plumbing Supplies seeks to minimise the environmental impact of our operational activities.
To reduce our impact on the environment our objectives are:
- Preventing pollution through waste management strategies that promote waste minimisation, re-use, recovery and recycling as appropriate
- Conforming with our compliance obligations
- Operating to environmental standard ISO 14001:2015
- Making our energy consumption and emissions metrics publicly available
- Completing internal audits at regular intervals which will continuously improve our Environmental Management System by identifying any corrective and preventive action required
- Promoting efficient energy use in our business activity
- Reviewing procurement processes to ensure our suppliers are minimising product impacts on the environment
- Engaging staff at all levels so that they are aware of the environmental impacts of their daily activities
Directors and employees will meet our objectives by:
- Constantly reviewing and improving what we do
- Meeting our legal, ethical and compliance obligations to our customers, and ISO 14001 standard.
Copies of our environmental policy are made available to all our customers and employees.